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"Get Hooked on New York"

5lber ROUNDING UP ;P Comments

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User: kerid
Comment: The only full size boat launch that accomdates fullsize trailors and has a dock to tie up while you park the trailor is Prez landing .. its behind kelleys Roast beef.. in Medord Now if you talking car toppers and yaks theirs 100's of put in's Schafts charltown has a launch also but thats above the lock and is saltwater
Date: 07/24/14 03:33 PM

User: enogueira
Comment: Maybe it was the recent water chestnuts removal that messed up the fishing. Hate those weeds.
Date: 07/22/14 10:17 PM

User: jacko
Comment: I have heard that there are really nice bass in the lily pads on that lower section of the Mystic River
Date: 07/22/14 10:12 PM

User: enogueira
Comment: gas motors are allowed, there are many marinas on the mystic river. as for a ramp that suits a big boat, im not sure man. sorry
Date: 07/22/14 10:11 PM

User: jacko
Comment: I have a 17 foot Bass tracker with a 25 hp 2 cycle motor. I can normally put in on dirt ramps. Are gas motors allowed?
Date: 07/22/14 10:09 PM

User: mikem
Comment: Not cool jr

Also jacko not sure what kinda of boat you're talking about but you can drop a canoe/kayak at Hormel stadium or right off rt 16. There's a big parking lot on 16 west of the 93 exit
Date: 07/22/14 10:00 PM

User: enogueira
Comment: http://mysticriver.org/recreation/

each of those sails is a launch area. we launched from hormel stadium
Date: 07/22/14 09:59 PM

User: jacko
Comment: Where is there best boat ramp to but in to the Mystic River? I have been looking for a ramp in the Medford area but have not been able to find one.
Date: 07/22/14 09:52 PM

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