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"Get Hooked on New York"


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User: samf
Comment: lots of different spots bobby. there's watertown / brighton, waltham, then the spots i listed. i can give you specific addresses but would have to look them up on the map to find coordinates. that's probably easiest since i don't know the addresses off the top of my head. let me know.
Date: 11/27/12 07:24 PM

User: biggz53
Comment: Sam, where do you usually launch from?
Date: 11/27/12 10:28 AM

User: samf
Comment: roger, skip watertown...go right to waltham and the twin coves area. the stretch we have been hitting is a little bit out of your way though - needham / newton / dover / dedham. but waltham is one of the best and most popular stretches. tons of big bass there.
Date: 11/27/12 09:21 AM

User: samf
Comment: roger, skip watertown...go right to waltham and the twin coves area. the stretch we have been hitting is a little bit out of your way though - needham / newton / dover / dedham. but waltham is one of the best and most popular stretches. tons of big bass there.
Date: 11/27/12 09:21 AM

User: pocketfisherman
Comment: We used to fish the Charles in the Waltham/Watertown area back in the day. Haven't had the Pelican in there though, only from shore. Maybe it's time in 2013?
Date: 11/26/12 08:05 PM

User: samf
Comment: yeah smoke said it was high compared to a little while ago. i hadn't been there in awhile though. i love the dirty water though...tons of places to launch close by and each one has different stuff to fish - slop, wood, rocks, bridges, pads, etc. i wish it didn't get so cold b/c i only found some of these recently and they're close by.
Date: 11/26/12 06:12 PM

User: berkleegrad
Comment: I drove past the Charles today and couldn't believe how high the water is. It is a completely different river from the one I fished a bunch of times earlier this year.
Date: 11/26/12 04:32 PM

User: samf
Comment: nah, big fan of the charles. and it's 10 minutes away. it technically wasn't a jig but a customized texas rig. small hook, 1/4 oz. weight, texas rigged craw. i did this to be able to fish on lighter line with a lighter wire hook and still keep things weedless. slow pulls on the bottom.
Date: 11/25/12 10:34 PM

User: berkleegrad
Comment: Here I thought Sam was going to fish the Merrimack. Great job on the jigs. Seems jigs produced big fish a lot of places this weekend. Gonna hafta work on my jig techniques in 2013.
Date: 11/25/12 12:27 PM

User: peckerhead
Comment: I went there today it was slow but I caught a 3.5 lber.
Date: 11/24/12 09:58 PM

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