A Scotcher It Was! Fishing Report

5 Rating based on 6 Reviews

Was able to carve out some AM fishing at one of the old school haunts. After my phones alarm failed to go off at 5am I got a late jump. Didn't make the water until 730am.

Water was very muddy and temps were already 86 yikes. Alternated between a plastic swimbait, rubber worm, chugbug and some soft plastic jerkbaits.

Pitched the jig a time or two and punched a few spots that had the cover.

Caught a small one on a Berkley Slug after he showed himself by eating a dragonfly lol. That was a around 9am. Went bite less for a long stretch. Re tied a few new selections and after going through a fishy looking and usually productive spot and no love. I was beginning to feel like it was either A) not happening today or B) a good one and done day.

Well it was happily B! Saw a small group of pads 15 ft off some heavy cover and all by itself. Tossed the Caffeine Shad over and just as I hit reverse on the Tmotor to hold my spot the line jumped. Big jump and a straight at me attack by Larry but landed a nice 5lbs 2oz bruised.

Fished the rest of the stretch and dropped a nice one at the boat on soft plastic. Again spent a good amount of time on usually very productive spots but alas nothing. Wind was cranking and made the long tmotor ride in.

Pond has changed a lot over last few years but was glad to get a finskie and be out on the water. The new transom was great the adjustments made to the bigfoot pedal and the new posts not so much lol.

Sorry no pix had some camera issues with the heat not to mention had to remove the hook from a tough spot. But staid calm got it done cleanly and off she went.

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